Titanic client example in Tcl

# Titanic client example
# Implements client side of http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:9

lappend auto_path .
package require MDClient 1.0

set verbose 0
foreach {k v} $argv {
if {$k eq "-v"} { set verbose 1 }

# Calls a TSP service
# Returns reponse if successful (status code 200 OK), else NULL

proc s_service_call {session service request} {
set reply [$session send $service $request]
if {[llength $reply]} {
set status [zmsg pop reply]
switch -exact -- $status {
200 {
return $reply
400 {
puts "E: client fatal error, aborting"
exit 1
500 {
puts "E: server fatal error, aborting"
exit 1
} else {
puts "I: Interrupted or failed"
exit 0 ;# Interrupted or failed

return {} ;# Didn't succeed, don't care why not

set session [MDClient new "tcp://localhost:5555" $verbose]

# 1. Send 'echo' request to Titanic
set request [list "echo" "Hello world"]
set reply [s_service_call $session "titanic.request" $request]

set uuid ""
if {[llength $reply]} {
set uuid [zmsg pop reply]
puts "I: request UUID [zmsg dump [list $uuid]]"

# 2. Wait until we get a reply
while {1} {
after 100
set request [list $uuid]
set reply [s_service_call $session "titanic.reply" $request]

if {[llength $reply]} {
set reply_string [lindex $reply end]
puts "Reply: $reply_string"

# 3. Close request
s_service_call $session "titanic.close" $request
} else {
puts "I: no reply yet, trying again…"
after 5000

$session destroy