# Task ventilator
- Binds PUSH socket to tcp://localhost:5557
- Sends batch of tasks to workers via that socket
package require zmq
zmq context context
zmq socket sender context PUSH
sender bind "tcp://*:5557"
zmq socket sink context PUSH
sink connect "tcp://localhost:5558"
puts -nonewline "Press Enter when the workers are ready: "
flush stdout
gets stdin c
puts "Sending tasks to workers…"
# The first message is "0" and signals start of batch
sink send "0"
# Initialize random number generator
expr {srand([clock seconds])}
# Send 100 tasks
set total_msec 0
for {set task_nbr 0} {$task_nbr < 100} {incr task_nbr} {
set workload [expr {int(rand()*100)+1}]
puts -nonewline "$workload."
incr total_msec $workload
sender send $workload
puts "Total expected cost: $total_msec msec"
after 1000
sink close
sender close
context term