# Paranoid Pirate worker
package require zmq
set HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS 3 ;# 3-5 is reasonable
set HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL 1000 ;# msecs
set INTERVAL_INIT 1000 ;# Initial reconnect
set INTERVAL_MAX 32000 ;# After exponential backoff
# Paranoid Pirate Protocol constants
set PPP_READY "READY" ;# Signals worker is ready
set PPP_HEARTBEAT "HEARTBEAT" ;# Signals worker heartbeat
expr {srand([pid])}
# Helper function that returns a new configured socket
# connected to the Paranoid Pirate queue
proc s_worker_socket {ctx} {
global PPP_READY
set worker [zmq socket worker $ctx DEALER]
$worker connect "tcp://localhost:5556"
# Tell queue we're ready for work
puts "I: worker ready"
$worker send $PPP_READY
return $worker
set ctx [zmq context context]
set worker [s_worker_socket $ctx]
# If liveness hits zero, queue is considered disconnected
set interval $INTERVAL_INIT
# Send out heartbeats at regular intervals
set heartbeat_at [expr {[clock seconds] + $HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL}]
set cycles 0
while {1} {
set poll_set [list [list $worker [list POLLIN]]]
set rpoll_set [zmq poll $poll_set $HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL]
if {[llength $rpoll_set] && "POLLIN" in [lindex $rpoll_set 0 1]} {
# Get message
# - 3-part envelope + content -> request
# - 1-part HEARTBEAT -> heartbeat
set msg [zmsg recv $worker]
if {[llength $msg] == 3} {
# Simulate various problems, after a few cycles
incr cycles
if {$cycles > 3 && [expr {int(rand()*5)}] == 0} {
puts "I: simulating a crash"
} elseif {$cycles > 3 && [expr {int(rand()*5)}] == 0} {
puts "I: simulating CPU overload"
after 3000
puts "I: normal reply"
zmsg send $worker $msg
after 1000 ;# Do some heavy work
} elseif {[llength $msg] == 1} {
if {[lindex $msg 0] eq $PPP_HEARTBEAT} {
puts "I: heartbeat"
} else {
puts "E: invalid message"
zmsg dump $msg
} else {
puts "E: invalid message"
zmsg dump $msg
set interval $INTERVAL_INIT
} elseif {[incr liveness -1] == 0} {
puts "W: heartbeat failure, can't reach queue"
puts "W: reconnecting in $interval msec…"
after $interval
if {$interval < $INTERVAL_MAX} {
set interval [expr {$interval * 2}]
$worker close
set worker [s_worker_socket $ctx]
# Send heartbeat to queue if it's time
if {[clock seconds] > $heartbeat_at} {
set heartbeat_at [expr {[clock seconds] + $HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL}]
puts "I: worker heartbeat"
$worker send $PPP_HEARTBEAT
$worker close
$ctx term