Paranoid Pirate queue in Tcl

# Paranoid Pirate queue

package require zmq

set HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS 3 ;# 3-5 is reasonable

# Paranoid Pirate Protocol constants
set PPP_READY "READY" ;# Signals worker is ready
set PPP_HEARTBEAT "HEARTBEAT" ;# Signals worker heartbeat

# This defines one active worker in our worker list

  1. dict with keys address, identity and expiry

# Construct new worker
proc s_worker_new {address} {
return [dict create address $address identity $address expiry [expr {[clock seconds] + $HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL * $HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS}]]

# Worker is ready, remove if on list and move to end
proc s_worker_ready {self workersnm} {
upvar $workersnm workers
set nworkers {}
foreach worker $workers {
if {[dict get $self identity] ne [dict get $worker identity]} {
lappend nworkers $worker
lappend nworkers $self
set workers $nworkers

# Return next available worker address
proc s_workers_next {workersnm} {
upvar $workersnm workers
set workers [lassign $workers worker]
return [dict get $worker address]

# Look for & kill expired workers. Workers are oldest to most recent,
# so we stop at the first alive worker.

proc s_workers_purge {workersnm} {
upvar $workersnm workers
set nworkers {}
foreach worker $workers {
if {[clock seconds] < [dict get $worker expiry]} {
# Worker is alive
lappend nworkers $worker
set workers $nworkers

set ctx [zmq context context]
zmq socket frontend $ctx ROUTER
zmq socket backend $ctx ROUTER
frontend bind "tcp://*:5555" ;# For clients
backend bind "tcp://*:5556";# For workers

# List of available workers
set workers {}

# Send out heartbeats at regular intervals
set heartbeat_at [expr {[clock seconds] + $HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL}]

while {1} {
if {[llength $workers]} {
set poll_set [list [list backend [list POLLIN]] [list frontend [list POLLIN]]]
} else {
set poll_set [list [list backend [list POLLIN]]]
set rpoll_set [zmq poll $poll_set $HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL]
foreach rpoll $rpoll_set {
switch [lindex $rpoll 0] {
backend {
# Handle worker activity on backend
# Use worker address for LRU routing
set msg [zmsg recv backend]

# Any sign of life from worker means it's ready
set address [zmsg unwrap msg]
set worker [s_worker_new $address]
s_worker_ready $worker workers

# Validate control message, or return reply to client
if {[llength $msg] == 1} {
if {[lindex $msg 0] ne $PPP_READY && [lindex $msg 0] ne $PPP_HEARTBEAT} {
puts "E: invalid message from worker"
zmsg dump $msg
} else {
zmsg send frontend $msg
frontend {
# Now get next client request, route to next worker
set msg [zmsg recv frontend]
set msg [zmsg push $msg [s_workers_next workers]]
zmsg send backend $msg

# Send heartbeats to idle workers if it's time
if {[clock seconds] >= $heartbeat_at} {
puts "I: heartbeat ([llength $workers])"
foreach worker $workers {
backend sendmore [dict get $worker address]
backend send $PPP_HEARTBEAT
set heartbeat_at [expr {[clock seconds] + $HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL}]
s_workers_purge workers

frontend close
backend close
$ctx term