# =====================================================================
- kvsimple - simple key-value message class for example applications
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright (c) 1991-2011 iMatix Corporation <www.imatix.com>
- Copyright other contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file.
- Tcl port by Jos Decoster <moc.liamg|retsoced.soj#moc.liamg|retsoced.soj>
- This file is part of the ZeroMQ Guide: http://zguide.zeromq.org
- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
- your option) any later version.
- This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this program. If not, see
- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- =====================================================================
lappend auto_path .
package require TclOO
package require zmq
package require mdp
package provide KVSimple 1.0
# Keys are short strings
# Message is formatted on wire as 4 frames:
# frame 0: key (0MQ string)
# frame 1: sequence (8 bytes, network order)
# frame 2: body (blob)
oo::class create KVSimple {
variable frame key
# Constructor, sets sequence as provided
constructor isequence 0 {
set frame [list]
my set_sequence $isequence
destructor {
# Reads key-value message from socket
method recv {socket} {
set frame [list]
# Read all frames off the wire
for {set frame_nbr 0} {$frame_nbr < $::KVMSG_FRAMES} {incr frame_nbr} {
lappend frame [$socket recv]
# Verify multipart framing
if {![$socket getsockopt RCVMORE]} {
# Send key-value message to socket; any empty frames are sent as such.
method send {socket} {
for {set frame_nbr 0} {$frame_nbr < $::KVMSG_FRAMES} {incr frame_nbr} {
if {$frame_nbr == ($::KVMSG_FRAMES - 1)} {
$socket send [lindex $frame $frame_nbr]
} else {
$socket sendmore [lindex $frame $frame_nbr]
# Return key from last read message, if any, else NULL
method key {} {
if {[llength $frame] > $::FRAME_KEY} {
if {![info exists key]} {
set size [string length [lindex $frame $::FRAME_KEY]]
if {$size > $::KVMSG_KEY_MAX} {
set size $::KVMSG_KEY_MAX
set key [string range [lindex $frame $::FRAME_KEY] 0 [expr {$size - 1}]]
return $key
} else {
return {}
# Return sequence nbr from last read message, if any
method sequence {} {
if {[llength $frame] > $::FRAME_SEQ} {
set s [lindex $frame $::FRAME_SEQ]
if {[string length $s] != 8} {
error "sequence frame must have length 8"
binary scan [lindex $frame $::FRAME_SEQ] W r
return $r
} else {
return 0
# Return body from last read message, if any, else NULL
method body {} {
if {[llength $frame] > $::FRAME_BODY} {
return [lindex $frame $::FRAME_BODY]
} else {
return {}
# Return body size from last read message, if any, else zero
method size {} {
if {[llength $frame] > $::FRAME_BODY} {
return [string length [lindex $frame $::FRAME_BODY]]
} else {
return {}
# Set message key as provided
method set_key {ikey} {
while {[llength $frame] <= $::FRAME_KEY} {
lappend frame {}
lset frame $::FRAME_KEY $ikey
# Set message sequence number
method set_sequence {isequence} {
while {[llength $frame] <= $::FRAME_SEQ} {
lappend frame {}
set sequence [binary format W $isequence]
lset frame $::FRAME_SEQ $sequence
# Set message body
method set_body {ibody} {
while {[llength $frame] <= $::FRAME_KEY} {
lappend frame {}
lset frame $::FRAME_BODY $ibody
# Set message key using printf format
method fmt_key {format args} {
my set_key [format $format {*}$args]
# Set message body using printf format
method fmt_body {format args} {
my set_body [format $format {*}$args]
# Store entire kvmsg into hash map, if key/value are set
# Nullifies kvmsg reference, and destroys automatically when no longer
# needed.
method store {hashnm} {
upvar $hashnm hash
if {[info exists hash([my key])]} {
$hash([my key]) destroy
set hash([my key]) [self]
# Dump message to stderr, for debugging and tracing
method dump {} {
set rt ""
append rt [format {[seq:%lld]} [my sequence]]
append rt [format {[key:%s]} [my key]]
append rt [format {[size:%d] } [my size]]
set size [my size]
set body [my body]
for {set i 0} {$i < $size} {incr i} {
set c [lindex $body $i]
if {[string is ascii $c]} {
append rt $c
} else {
append rt [binary scan H2 $c]
return $rt
namespace eval ::KVSimpleTest {
proc test {verbose} {
puts -nonewline " * kvmsg: "
# Prepare our context and sockets
zmq context context
set os [zmq socket output context DEALER]
output bind "ipc://kvmsg_selftest.ipc"
set is [zmq socket input context DEALER]
input connect "ipc://kvmsg_selftest.ipc"
# Test send and receive of simple message
set kvmsg [KVSimple new 1]
$kvmsg set_key "key"
$kvmsg set_body "body"
if {$verbose} {
puts [$kvmsg dump]
$kvmsg send $os
$kvmsg store kvmap
$kvmsg recv $is
if {$verbose} {
puts [$kvmsg dump]
if {[$kvmsg key] ne "key"} {
error "Unexpected key: [$kvmsg key]"
$kvmsg store kvmap
# Shutdown and destroy all objects
input close
output close
context term
puts "OK"
#::KVSimpleTest::test 1