Prototype local and cloud flow in Scala

* Broker peering simulation (part 2)
* Prototypes the request-reply flow
* While this example runs in a single process, that is just to make
* it easier to start and stop the example. Each thread has its own
* context and conceptually acts as a separate process.
* @Author: Giovanni Ruggiero
* @Email: moc.liamg|oreiggur.innavoig#moc.liamg|oreiggur.innavoig

import org.zeromq.ZMQ
import ZHelpers._
import ClusterDns._

object peering2 {
val Localfe = "localfe"
val Localbe = "localbe"
val Cloudfe = "cloudfe"
val Cloudbe = "cloudbe"

implicit val dns = clusterDns

// Basic request-reply client using REQ socket
class ClientTask(host: String) extends Runnable {
def run() {
val ctx = ZMQ.context(1)
val client = ctx.socket(ZMQ.REQ)
client.dnsConnect(host, Localfe)

// Send request, get reply
client.send("HELLO".getBytes, 0)
val reply = client.recv(0)
printf("Client: %s\n", new String(reply))

// Worker using REQ socket to do LRU routing
class WorkerTask(host: String) extends Runnable {
def run() {
val ctx = ZMQ.context(1)
val worker = ctx.socket(ZMQ.REQ)
worker.dnsConnect(host, Localbe);
// Tell broker we're ready for work
worker.send("READY".getBytes, 0);
while (true) {
// Read and save all frames until we get an empty frame
// In this example there is only 1 but it could be more
val msg = new ZMsg(worker)
printf("Worker: %s\n", msg.bodyToString)

def main(args : Array[String]) {
val NOFLAGS = 0

// Worker using REQ socket to do LRU routing
val NbrClients = 10;
val NbrWorkers = 3;

// First argument is this broker's name
// Other arguments are our peers' names
if (args.length < 2) {
println ("syntax: peering2 me {you}…")
val self = args(0)
implicit val host = self
printf ("I: preparing broker at %s…\n", self);

val rand = new java.util.Random(System.currentTimeMillis)
val ctx = ZMQ.context(1)
// Bind cloud frontend to endpoint
val cloudfe = ctx.socket(ZMQ.ROUTER)
cloudfe.setIdentity(self getBytes)

val cloudbe = ctx.socket(ZMQ.ROUTER)
cloudbe.setIdentity(self getBytes)

for (cluster <- (1 until args.length)) {
printf ("I: connecting to cloud frontend at '%s'\n", args(cluster))
// Prepare local frontend and backend
val localfe = ctx.socket(ZMQ.ROUTER)
val localbe = ctx.socket(ZMQ.ROUTER)

println ("Press Enter when all brokers are started: ");

// Start local clients
val clients = List.fill(NbrClients)(new Thread(new ClientTask(self)))
clients foreach (_.start)

// Start local workers
val workers = List.fill(NbrWorkers)(new Thread(new WorkerTask(self)))
workers foreach (_.start)

// Interesting part
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Request-reply flow
// - Poll backends and process local/cloud replies
// - While worker available, route localfe to local or cloud

// Queue of available workers

val workerQueue = scala.collection.mutable.Queue[Array[Byte[[span style="color:#666666"]]]]()[[/span]]
val backends = ctx.poller(2)


var capacity = 0
while (true) {
// If we have no workers anyhow, wait indefinitely
val timeout = if (capacity > 0) {1000000} else {-1}
val ret = backends.poll(timeout)
// Handle reply from local worker
var msg = new ZMsg()
if (backends.pollin(0)) {
msg = new ZMsg(localbe)
val workerAddr = msg.unwrap
assert(capacity < NbrWorkers)
// Use worker address for LRU routing
capacity += 1
// Address is READY or else a client reply address
} else {
// Or handle reply from peer broker
if (backends.pollin(1)) {
msg = new ZMsg(cloudbe)
// Route reply to cloud if it's addressed to a broker
if (msg != null) {
for (cluster <- (1 until args.length)) {
if (new String(msg.address) == cluster) {
// Route reply to client if we still need to
if (msg != null) {
// Now route as many clients requests as we can handle
while (capacity > 0) {
val frontends = ctx.poller(2)

var reroutable = 0
// We'll do peer brokers first, to prevent starvation
if (frontends.pollin(1)) {
msg = new ZMsg(cloudfe)
reroutable = 0
} else if (frontends.pollin(0)) {
msg = new ZMsg(localfe)
reroutable = 1
// If reroutable, send to cloud 20% of the time
// Here we'd normally use cloud status information
val rand = new java.util.Random
if (reroutable > 0 && args.length > 1 && rand.nextInt() % 5 == 0) {
// Route to random broker peer
val randomPeer = rand.nextInt(args.length - 1) + 1
msg.wrap(args(randomPeer) getBytes)
} else {
capacity -= 1