Hello World client in Scala

* Hello World client in Scala
* Connects REQ socket to tcp://localhost:5555
* Sends "Hello" to server, expects "World" back
* @author Giovanni Ruggiero
* @email moc.liamg|oreiggur.innavoig#moc.liamg|oreiggur.innavoig

import org.zeromq.ZMQ
import org.zeromq.ZMQ.{Context,Socket}

object HelloWorldClient{
def main(args : Array[String]) {
// Prepare our context and socket
val context = ZMQ.context(1)
val socket = context.socket(ZMQ.REQ)

println("Connecting to hello world server…")
socket.connect ("tcp://localhost:5555")

// Do 10 requests, waiting each time for a response
for (request_nbr <- 1 to 10) {
// Create a "Hello" message.
// Ensure that the last byte of our "Hello" message is 0 because
// our "Hello World" server is expecting a 0-terminated string:
val request = "Hello ".getBytes()
request(request.length-1)=0 //Sets the last byte to 0
// Send the message
println("Sending request " + request_nbr + "…") + request.toString
socket.send(request, 0)

// Get the reply.
val reply = socket.recv(0)
// When displaying reply as a String, omit the last byte because
// our "Hello World" server has sent us a 0-terminated string:
println("Received reply " + request_nbr + ": [" + new String(reply,0,reply.length-1) + "]")