Titanic broker example in Python

Titanic service

Implements server side of http:#rfc.zeromq.org/spec:9

Author: Min RK <moc.liamg|krnimajneb#moc.liamg|krnimajneb>

import cPickle as pickle
import os
import sys
import threading
import time
from uuid import uuid4

import zmq

from mdwrkapi import MajorDomoWorker
from mdcliapi import MajorDomoClient

from zhelpers import zpipe

TITANIC_DIR = ".titanic"

def request_filename (uuid):
"""Returns freshly allocated request filename for given UUID"""
return os.path.join(TITANIC_DIR, "%s.req" % uuid)

//# //

def reply_filename (uuid):
"""Returns freshly allocated reply filename for given UUID"""
return os.path.join(TITANIC_DIR, "%s.rep" % uuid)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Titanic request service

def titanic_request (pipe):
worker = MajorDomoWorker("tcp://localhost:5555", "titanic.request")

reply = None

while True:
# Send reply if it's not null
# And then get next request from broker
request = worker.recv(reply)
if not request:
break # Interrupted, exit

# Ensure message directory exists
if not os.path.exists(TITANIC_DIR):

# Generate UUID and save message to disk
uuid = uuid4().hex
filename = request_filename (uuid)
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
pickle.dump(request, f)

# Send UUID through to message queue

# Now send UUID back to client
# Done by the worker.recv() at the top of the loop
reply = ["200", uuid]

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Titanic reply service

def titanic_reply ():
worker = MajorDomoWorker("tcp://localhost:5555", "titanic.reply")
reply = None

while True:
request = worker.recv(reply)
if not request:
break # Interrupted, exit

uuid = request.pop(0)
req_filename = request_filename(uuid)
rep_filename = reply_filename(uuid)
if os.path.exists(rep_filename):
with open(rep_filename, 'r') as f:
reply = pickle.load(f)
reply = ["200"] + reply
if os.path.exists(req_filename):
reply = ["300"] # pending
reply = ["400"] # unknown

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Titanic close service

def titanic_close():
worker = MajorDomoWorker("tcp://localhost:5555", "titanic.close")
reply = None

while True:
request = worker.recv(reply)
if not request:
break # Interrupted, exit

uuid = request.pop(0)
req_filename = request_filename(uuid)
rep_filename = reply_filename(uuid)
# should these be protected? Does zfile_delete ignore files
# that have already been removed? That's what we are doing here.
if os.path.exists(req_filename):
if os.path.exists(rep_filename):
reply = ["200"]

def service_success(client, uuid):
"""Attempt to process a single request, return True if successful"""
# Load request message, service will be first frame
filename = request_filename (uuid)

# If the client already closed request, treat as successful
if not os.path.exists(filename):
return True

with open(filename, 'r') as f:
request = pickle.load(f)
service = request.pop(0)
# Use MMI protocol to check if service is available
mmi_request = [service]
mmi_reply = client.send("mmi.service", mmi_request)
service_ok = mmi_reply and mmi_reply[0] == "200"

if service_ok:
reply = client.send(service, request)
if reply:
filename = reply_filename (uuid)
with open(filename, "w") as f:
pickle.dump(reply, f)
return True

return False

def main():
verbose = '-v' in sys.argv
ctx = zmq.Context()

# Create MDP client session with short timeout
client = MajorDomoClient("tcp://localhost:5555", verbose)
client.timeout = 1000 # 1 sec
client.retries = 1 # only 1 retry

request_pipe, peer = zpipe(ctx)
request_thread = threading.Thread(target=titanic_request, args=(peer,))
request_thread.daemon = True
reply_thread = threading.Thread(target=titanic_reply)
reply_thread.daemon = True
close_thread = threading.Thread(target=titanic_close)
close_thread.daemon = True

poller = zmq.Poller()
poller.register(request_pipe, zmq.POLLIN)
# Main dispatcher loop
while True:
# Ensure message directory exists
if not os.path.exists(TITANIC_DIR):
# We'll dispatch once per second, if there's no activity
items = poller.poll(1000)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
break; # Interrupted

if items:

# Append UUID to queue, prefixed with '-' for pending
uuid = request_pipe.recv()
with open(os.path.join(TITANIC_DIR, 'queue'), 'a') as f:
f.write("-%s\n" % uuid)

# Brute-force dispatcher
with open(os.path.join(TITANIC_DIR, 'queue'), 'r+b') as f:
for entry in f.readlines():
# UUID is prefixed with '-' if still waiting
if entry[0] == '-':
uuid = entry[1:].rstrip() # rstrip '\n' etc.
print "I: processing request %s" % uuid
if service_success(client, uuid):
# mark queue entry as processed
here = f.tell()
f.seek(-1*len(entry), os.SEEK_CUR)
f.seek(here, os.SEEK_SET)

if __name__ == '__main__':