Multithreaded relay in Perl


Multithreaded relay

NOTE: As of v0.09, ZeroMQ does not allow us to pass sockets around so as to
retain compatibility with ligzmq-2.0. This example is therefore not a precise
rendition of the official, libzmq-2.1-exploiting C example.

Author: Alexander D'Archangel (darksuji) <darksuji(at)gmail(dot)com>


use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.10.0;
use threads;

use ZeroMQ qw/:all/;

sub step1 {
my ($context) = @_;

my $socket = $context->socket(ZMQ_PAIR);

# Signal downstream to step 2

sub step2 {
my ($context) = @_;

my $socket = $context->socket(ZMQ_PAIR);

my $receiver = $context->socket(ZMQ_PAIR);
threads->create('step1', $context)->detach();

# Wait for signal

# Signal downstream to step 3

my $context = ZeroMQ::Context->new();

my $receiver = $context->socket(ZMQ_PAIR);
threads->create('step2', $context)->detach();

# Wait for signal

say 'Test successful!';