* Asynchronous client-to-server (DEALER to ROUTER)
* While this example runs in a single process, that is just to make
* it easier to start and stop the example. Each task has its own
* context and conceptually acts as a separate process.
* @author Ian Barber <ian(dot)barber(at)gmail(dot)com>
include "zmsg.php";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is our client task
* It connects to the server, and then sends a request once per second
* It collects responses as they arrive, and it prints them out. We will
* run several client tasks in parallel, each with a different random ID.
function client_task() {
$context = new ZMQContext();
$client = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_DEALER);
// Generate printable identity for the client
$identity = sprintf ("%04X", rand(0, 0x10000));
$client->setSockOpt(ZMQ::SOCKOPT_IDENTITY, $identity);
$read = $write = array();
$poll = new ZMQPoll();
$poll->add($client, ZMQ::POLL_IN);
$request_nbr = 0;
while(true) {
// Tick once per second, pulling in arriving messages
for($centitick = 0; $centitick < 100; $centitick++) {
$events = $poll->poll($read, $write, 1000);
$zmsg = new Zmsg($client);
if($events) {
printf ("%s: %s%s", $identity, $zmsg->body(), PHP_EOL);
$zmsg = new Zmsg($client);
$zmsg->body_fmt("request #%d", ++$request_nbr)->send();
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is our server task
* It uses the multithreaded server model to deal requests out to a pool
* of workers and route replies back to clients. One worker can handle
* one request at a time but one client can talk to multiple workers at
* once.
function server_task() {
// Launch pool of worker threads, precise number is not critical
for($thread_nbr = 0; $thread_nbr < 5; $thread_nbr++) {
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if($pid == 0) {
$context = new ZMQContext();
// Frontend socket talks to clients over TCP
$frontend = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_ROUTER);
// Backend socket talks to workers over ipc
$backend = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_DEALER);
// Connect backend to frontend via a queue device
// We could do this:
// $device = new ZMQDevice($frontend, $backend);
// But doing it ourselves means we can debug this more easily
$read = $write = array();
// Switch messages between frontend and backend
while(true) {
$poll = new ZMQPoll();
$poll->add($frontend, ZMQ::POLL_IN);
$poll->add($backend, ZMQ::POLL_IN);
$poll->poll($read, $write);
foreach($read as $socket) {
$zmsg = new Zmsg($socket);
if($socket === $frontend) {
//echo "Request from client:";
//echo $zmsg->__toString();
} else if($socket === $backend) {
//echo "Request from worker:";
//echo $zmsg->__toString();
function server_worker() {
$context = new ZMQContext();
$worker = new ZMQSocket($context, ZMQ::SOCKET_DEALER);
$zmsg = new Zmsg($worker);
while(true) {
// The DEALER socket gives us the address envelope and message
assert($zmsg->parts() == 2);
// Send 0..4 replies back
$replies = rand(0,4);
for($reply = 0; $reply < $replies; $reply++) {
// Sleep for some fraction of a second
usleep(rand(0,1000) + 1);
/* This main thread simply starts several clients, and a server, and then
* waits for the server to finish.
function main() {
for($num_clients = 0; $num_clients < 3; $num_clients++) {
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if($pid == 0) {
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if($pid == 0) {