;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:ANSI-Common-Lisp; -*-
;;; Custom routing Router to Mama (ROUTER to REQ) in Common Lisp
;;; Kamil Shakirov <moc.liamg|08slimak#moc.liamg|08slimak>
(defpackage #:zguide.rtmama
(:nicknames #:rtmama)
(:use #:cl #:zhelpers)
(:export #:main))
(in-package :zguide.rtmama)
(defparameter *number-workers* 10)
(defun worker-thread (context)
(zmq:with-socket (worker context zmq:req)
;; We use a string identity for ease here
(set-socket-id worker)
(zmq:connect worker "ipc://routing.ipc")
(let ((total 0))
;; Tell the router we're ready for work
(send-text worker "ready")
;; Get workload from router, until finished
(let ((workload (recv-text worker)))
(when (string= workload "END")
(message "Processed: ~D tasks~%" total)
(incf total))
;; Do some random work
(isys:usleep (within 100000))))))
(defun main ()
(zmq:with-context (context 1)
(zmq:with-socket (client context zmq:router)
(zmq:bind client "ipc://routing.ipc")
(dotimes (i *number-workers*)
(bt:make-thread (lambda () (worker-thread context))
:name (format nil "worker-thread-~D" i)))
(loop :repeat (* 10 *number-workers*) :do
;; LRU worker is next waiting in queue
(let ((address (recv-text client)))
(recv-text client) ; empty
(recv-text client) ; ready
(send-more-text client address)
(send-more-text client "")
(send-text client "This is the workload")))
;; Now ask mamas to shut down and report their results
(loop :repeat *number-workers* :do
;; LRU worker is next waiting in queue
(let ((address (recv-text client)))
(recv-text client) ; empty
(recv-text client) ; ready
(send-more-text client address)
(send-more-text client "")
(send-text client "END")))
;; Give 0MQ/2.0.x time to flush output
(sleep 1)))