;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:ANSI-Common-Lisp; -*-
;;; Custom routing Router to Dealer in Common Lisp
;;; Kamil Shakirov <moc.liamg|08slimak#moc.liamg|08slimak>

;;; We have two workers, here we copy the code, normally these would run on
;;; different boxes…

(defpackage #:zguide.rtdealer
(:nicknames #:rtdealer)
(:use #:cl #:zhelpers)
(:export #:main))

(in-package :zguide.rtdealer)

(defun worker-a (context)
(zmq:with-socket (worker context zmq:dealer)
(zmq:setsockopt worker zmq:identity "A")
(zmq:connect worker "ipc://routing.ipc")

(let ((total 0))
;; We receive one part, with the workload
(let ((request (recv-text worker)))
(when (string= request "END")
(message "A received: ~D~%" total)
(incf total))))))

(defun worker-b (context)
(zmq:with-socket (worker context zmq:dealer)
(zmq:setsockopt worker zmq:identity "B")
(zmq:connect worker "ipc://routing.ipc")

(let ((total 0))
;; We receive one part, with the workload
(let ((request (recv-text worker)))
(when (string= request "END")
(message "B received: ~D~%" total)
(incf total))))))

(defun main ()
(zmq:with-context (context 1)
(zmq:with-socket (client context zmq:router)
(zmq:bind client "ipc://routing.ipc")

(bt:make-thread (lambda () (worker-a context))
:name "worker-a")
(bt:make-thread (lambda () (worker-b context))
:name "worker-b")

;; Wait for threads to stabilize
(sleep 1)

;; Send 10 tasks scattered to A twice as often as B
(loop :repeat 10 :do
;; Send two message parts, first the address…
(if (> (1- (within 3)) 0)
(send-more-text client "A")
(send-more-text client "B"))

;; And then the workload
(send-text client "This is the workload"))

(send-more-text client "A")
(send-text client "END")
;; we can get messy output when two threads concurrently print results
;; so Let worker-a to print results first
(sleep 0.1)

(send-more-text client "B")
(send-text client "END")

;; Give 0MQ/2.0.x time to flush output
(sleep 1)))
