;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:ANSI-Common-Lisp; -*-
;;; Demonstrate identities as used by the request-reply pattern in Common Lisp.
;;; Run this program by itself. Note that the utility functions are
;;; provided by zhelpers.lisp. It gets boring for everyone to keep repeating
;;; this code.
;;; Kamil Shakirov <moc.liamg|08slimak#moc.liamg|08slimak>
(defpackage #:zguide.identity
(:nicknames #:identity)
(:use #:cl #:zhelpers)
(:export #:main))
(in-package :zguide.identity)
(defun main ()
(zmq:with-context (context 1)
(zmq:with-socket (sink context zmq:router)
(zmq:bind sink "inproc://example")
;; First allow 0MQ to set the identity
(zmq:with-socket (anonymous context zmq:req)
(zmq:connect anonymous "inproc://example")
(send-text anonymous "ROUTER uses a generated UUID")
(dump-socket sink)
;; Then set the identity ourself
(zmq:with-socket (identified context zmq:req)
(zmq:setsockopt identified zmq:identity "Hello")
(zmq:connect identified "inproc://example")
(send-text identified "ROUTER socket uses REQ's socket identity")
(dump-socket sink)))))