Service discovery over Majordomo in Haxe

package ;

import neko.Lib;
import neko.Sys;
import org.zeromq.ZMsg;

* MMI echo query example

class MMIEcho

public static function main() {

Lib.println("** MMIEcho (see:");

var argArr = Sys.args();
var verbose = (argArr.length > 1 && argArr[argArr.length - 1] == "-v");

var session = new MDCliAPI("tcp://localhost:5555", verbose);

// This is the service we want to look up
var request = new ZMsg();

// This is the service we send our request to
var reply = session.send("mmi.service", request);

if (reply != null) {
var replyCode = reply.first().toString();
Lib.println("Lookup echo service: " + replyCode);
} else
Lib.println("E: no response from broker, make sure it's running");
