-- |
-- Weather proxy device in Haskell
-- //
-- Translated to Haskell by ERDI Gergo http://gergo.erdi.hu///
module Main where
import System.ZMQ
import Control.Monad (forever, when)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Data.Function (fix)
main :: IO ()
main = withContext 1 $ \context -> do
-- This is where the weather server sits
withSocket context Sub $ \frontend -> do
connect frontend "tcp://"
subscribe frontend ""
-- This is our public endpoint for subscribers
withSocket context Pub $ \backend -> do
bind backend "tcp://"
-- Subscribe on everything
-- Shunt messages out to our own subscribers
forever $ proxy frontend backend
proxy :: Socket a -> Socket b -> IO ()
proxy from to = fix $ \loop -> do
message <- receive from []
more <- moreToReceive from
send to message [SndMore | more]
when more loop