Weather update server in Go

// Weather update server
// Binds PUB socket to tcp://*:5556
// Publishes random weather updates

package main

import (
zmq ""

func main() {
context, _ := zmq.NewContext()
socket, _ := context.NewSocket(zmq.PUB)
defer context.Close()
defer socket.Close()

// Seed the random number generator

// loop for a while aparently
for {

// make values that will fool the boss
zipcode := rand.Intn(100000)
temperature := rand.Intn(215) - 80
relhumidity := rand.Intn(50) + 10

msg := fmt.Sprintf("%d %d %d", zipcode, temperature, relhumidity)

// Send message to all subscribers
socket.Send([]byte(msg), 0)