Multiple socket poller in Go

// Reading from multiple sockets
// This version uses zmq.Poll()

package main

import (
zmq ""

func main() {

context, _ := zmq.NewContext()
defer context.Close()

// Connect to task ventilator
receiver, _ := context.NewSocket(zmq.PULL)
defer receiver.Close()

// Connect to weather server
subscriber, _ := context.NewSocket(zmq.SUB)
defer subscriber.Close()
subscriber.SetSockOptString(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "10001")

pi := zmq.PollItems{
zmq.PollItem{Socket: receiver, zmq.Events: zmq.POLLIN},
zmq.PollItem{Socket: subscriber, zmq.Events: zmq.POLLIN},

// Process messages from both sockets
for {

_, _ = zmq.Poll(pi, -1)

switch {
case pi[0].REvents&zmq.POLLIN != 0:
// Process task
pi[0].Socket.Recv(0) // eat the incoming message
case pi[1].REvents&zmq.POLLIN != 0:
// Process weather update
pi[1].Socket.Recv(0) // eat the incoming message


