Weather update server
Binds PUB socket to tcp://*:5556
Publishes random weather updates
#r "bin/fszmq.dll"
open fszmq
#load "zhelpers.fs"
let main () =
// prepare our context and publisher
use context = new Context(1);
use publisher = context |> Context.pub
"tcp://*:5556" |> Socket.bind publisher
// "icp://weather.ipc" |> Socket.bind publisher
//NOTE: IPC transport is not currently supported on Microsoft Windows
// initialize random number generator
let rand = srandom ()
while true do
// get values that will fool the boss
let zipcode, temperature, relhumidity =
rand.Next 100000, (rand.Next 215) - 80, (rand.Next 50) + 10
// send message to all subscribers
let update = sprintf "%05d %d %d" zipcode temperature relhumidity
update |> s_send publisher
main ()