Weather update client
Connects SUB socket to tcp://localhost:5556
Collects weather updates and finds avg temp in zipcode
#r @"bin/fszmq.dll"
open fszmq
#load "zhelpers.fs"
let main () =
use context = new Context(1)
// socket to talk to server
printfn "Collecting updates from weather server…"
use subscriber = context |> Context.sub
Socket.connect subscriber "tcp://localhost:5556"
// subscribe to zipcode, default is NYC, 10001
let filter = if fsi.CommandLineArgs.Length = 2
then fsi.CommandLineArgs.[1]
else "10001"
printfn "Listening for updates from: '%s'" filter
Socket.subscribe subscriber [ encode filter ]
// process 100 updates
let update_nbr = ref 0
let total_temp = ref 0
while !update_nbr < 100 do
let update = s_recv subscriber
let zipcode, temperature, relhumidity =
let update' = update.Split()
(int update'.[0]),(int update'.[1]),(int update'.[2])
total_temp := !total_temp + temperature
incr update_nbr
printfn "\nAverage temperature for zipcode '%s' was %dF"
(!total_temp / !update_nbr)
main ()