Task ventilator
Binds PUSH socket to tcp://localhost:5557
Sends batch of tasks to workers via that socket
#r @"bin/fszmq.dll"
open fszmq
#load "zhelpers.fs"
let main () =
use context = new Context(1)
// Socket to send messages on
use sender = context |> Context.push
Socket.bind sender "tcp://*:5557"
// Socket to send start of batch message on
use sink = context |> Context.push
Socket.connect sink "tcp://localhost:5558"
printf "Press Enter when workers are ready: "
scanln() |> ignore
printfn "Sending tasks to workers"
// The first message is "0" and signals start of batch
s_send sink "0"
// Initialize random number generator
let rnd = srandom()
// Send 100 tasks
let mutable total_msec = 0
for task_nbr in 0 .. 99 do
// Random workload from 1 to 100 msecs
let workload = (rnd.Next 100) + 1
total_msec <- total_msec + workload
s_send sender (string workload)
printfn "Total expected cost: %d msec" total_msec
sleep 1 // Give 0MQ time to deliver
main ()