Parallel task sink with kill signaling in F#

Task sink - design 2
Adds pub-sub flow to send kill signal to workers

#r @"bin/fszmq.dll"
open fszmq

#load "zhelpers.fs"

open Context
open Socket
open Polling

let main () =
// Prepare our context and socket
use context = new Context(1)

use receiver = context |> pull
bind receiver "tcp://*:5558"

// Socket for worker control
use controller = context |> pub
bind controller "tcp://*:5559"

// Wait for start of batch
s_recv receiver |> ignore

// Start our clock now
let watch = s_clock_start()

// Process 100 confirmations
for task_nbr in 0 .. 99 do
s_recv receiver |> ignore
printf (if (task_nbr / 10) * 10 = task_nbr then ":" else ".")

// Calculate and report duration of batch
printfn "\nTotal elapsed time: %d msec" (s_clock_stop watch)

// Send kill signal to workers
s_send controller "KILL"

// Finished
sleep 1 // Give 0MQ time to deliver

main ()