Custom routing Router to Papa (ROUTER to REP)
#r @"bin/fszmq.dll"
open fszmq
open fszmq.Context
open fszmq.Socket
#load "zhelpers.fs"
// we will do this all in one thread to emphasize the sequence of events…
let main () =
use context = new Context(1)
use client = route context
"tcp://*:5572" |> bind client
use worker = rep context
(ZMQ.IDENTITY,"A"B) |> set worker
"tcp://localhost:5572" |> connect worker
// wait for the worker to connect so that when we send a message
// with routing envelope, it will actually match the worker…
sleep 100
// send papa address, address stack, empty part, and request
[ "A"B;
"address 3"B;
"address 2"B;
"address 1"B;
"This is the workload"B ] |> sendAll client
// worker should get just the workload
s_dump worker
// we don't play with envelopes in the worker
"This is the reply"B |>> worker
// now dump what we got off the ROUTER socke…
s_dump client
main ()