Broker peering simulation (part 2)
Prototypes the request-reply flow
While this example runs in a single process, that is just to make
it easier to start and stop the example. Each thread has its own
context and conceptually acts as a separate process.
#r @"bin/fszmq.dll"
#r @"bin/fszmq.devices.dll"
open fszmq
open fszmq.Context
open fszmq.devices
open fszmq.Polling
open fszmq.Socket
#load "zhelpers.fs"
open System.Collections.Generic
let [@�0�@] NBR_CLIENTS = 10
let [@�1�@] NBR_WORKERS = 3
let LRU_READY = "\001"B
let client_task (o:obj) =
let fePort = o :?> int
use ctx = new Context(1)
use client = ctx |> req
connect client (sprintf "tcp://localhost:%i" fePort)
while true do
// send request, get reply
"HELLO"B |>> client
|> recvAll
|> Array.last
|> dumpFrame (Some "Client: ")
sleep 1
let worker_task (o:obj) =
let bePort = o :?> int
use ctx = new Context(1)
use worker = ctx |> req
connect worker (sprintf "tcp://localhost:%i" bePort)
// tell broker we're ready for work
LRU_READY |>> worker
// process messages as they arrive
while true do
let msg = worker |> recvAll
msg |> Array.last |> dumpFrame (Some "Worker: ")
msg.[msg.Length - 1] <- "OK"B
msg |> sendAll worker
let main args =
// first argument is this broker's name
// other arguments are our peers' names
match args |> Array.length with
| argc when argc > 1 ->
let self,peers = args.[1],if argc > 2 then args.[2..] else [||]
printfn' "I: preparing broker at %s…" self
let rand = srandom()
let fePort,bePort = let port = int self in port + 1,port + 2
//NOTE: to run this example on Windows, we must use tcp…
// so when we do, assume inputs are port numbers, and we use
// them as the basis for additional (internal to the cluster)
// port numbers on non-windows systems, we can use ipc (as per
// the guide) so in *that* case, inputs are alphanumeric IDs
// prepare our context and sockets
use ctx = new Context(1)
// bind cloud frontend to endpoint
use cloudfe = ctx |> route
(ZMQ.IDENTITY,encode self) |> set cloudfe
bind cloudfe (sprintf "tcp://*:%s" self)
// connect cloud backend to all peers
use cloudbe = ctx |> route
(ZMQ.IDENTITY,encode self) |> set cloudbe
peers |> Array.iter (fun peer ->
printfn' "I: connecting to cloud frontend at '%s'" peer
connect cloudbe (sprintf "tcp://localhost:%s" peer))
// prepare local frontend and backend
use localfe = ctx |> route
bind localfe (sprintf "tcp://*:%i" fePort)
use localbe = ctx |> route
bind localbe (sprintf "tcp://*:%i" bePort)
// get user to tell us when we can start…
printf' "Press Enter when all brokers are started: "
scanln() |> ignore
// start local workers
for _ in 1 .. NBR_WORKERS do ignore (t_spawnp worker_task bePort)
// start local clients
for _ in 1 .. NBR_CLIENTS do ignore (t_spawnp client_task fePort)
(* Interesting part
Request-reply flow
- Poll backends and process local/cloud replies
- While worker available, route localfe to local or cloud *)
// queue of available workers
let workers = Queue<byte array>()
// holds values collected/generated during polling
let msg = ref Array.empty<_>
let reroutable = ref false
let backends =
[ Poll(ZMQ.POLLIN,localbe,fun _ ->
// handle reply from local worker
let reply = localbe |> recvAll
reply.[0] |> workers.Enqueue
// if it's READY, don't route the message any further
msg := if reply.[2] = LRU_READY then [||] else reply.[2 ..])
Poll(ZMQ.POLLIN,cloudbe,fun _ ->
// or handle reply from peer broker
let frames = cloudbe |> recvAll
// we don't use peer broker address for anything
msg := frames.[2 ..]) ]
let frontends =
[ Poll(ZMQ.POLLIN,cloudfe,fun _ ->
msg := cloudfe |> recvAll
reroutable := false)
Poll(ZMQ.POLLIN,localfe,fun _ ->
msg := localfe |> recvAll
reroutable := true) ]
while true do
let timeout = if workers.Count > 0 then 10000L else -1L
if backends |> poll timeout && (!msg).Length > 0 then
let address = (!msg).[0] |> decode
// route reply to cloud if it's addressed to a broker
// otherwise route reply to client
!msg |> sendAll ( if peers |> Array.exists ((=) address)
then cloudfe
else localfe )
// Now route as many clients requests as we can handle
while workers.Count > 0 && frontends |> poll 0L do
// if reroutable, send to cloud 20% of the time
// here we'd normally use cloud status information
let address,backend =
if !reroutable && peers.Length > 0 && rand.Next(0,5) = 0
then peers.[rand.Next peers.Length] |> encode , cloudbe
else workers.Dequeue() , localbe
|> Array.append [| address; Array.empty |]
|> sendAll backend
// else … No work, go back to backends
| _ ->
printfn "syntax: peering2 me {you}…"
main fsi.CommandLineArgs