Reading from multiple sockets
This version uses a simple recv loop
#r @"bin/fszmq.dll"
open fszmq
#load "zhelpers.fs"
open Context
open Socket
let main () =
// Prepare our context and sockets
use context = new Context(1)
// Connect to task ventilator
use receiver = context |> pull
connect receiver "tcp://localhost:5557"
// Connect to weather server
use subscriber = context |> sub
connect subscriber "tcp://localhost:5556"
subscribe subscriber [ encode "10001" ]
// Process messages from both sockets
// We prioritize traffic from the task ventilator
while true do
// Process any waiting tasks
match tryRecv receiver ZMQ.NOBLOCK with
| Some(msg) -> msg |> decode |> printfn "%s" // Process task
| None -> () // Otherwise, do nothing
// Process any waiting weather updates
match tryRecv receiver ZMQ.NOBLOCK with
| Some(msg) -> msg |> decode |> printfn "%s" // Process weather update
| None -> () // Otherwise, do nothing
// No activity, so sleep for 1 msec
sleep 1
// We never get here
main ()