#! /usr/bin/env escript
%% Weather update server
%% Binds PUB socket to tcp://*.5556
%% Publishes random weather updates
main(_) ->
%% Prepare our context and publisher
{ok, Context} = erlzmq:context(),
{ok, Publisher} = erlzmq:socket(Context, pub),
ok = erlzmq:bind(Publisher, "tcp://*:5556"),
%% We never get here
ok = erlzmq:close(Publisher),
ok = erlzmq:term(Context).
loop(Publisher) ->
%% Get values that will fool the boss
Zipcode = random:uniform(100000),
Temperature = random:uniform(215) - 80,
Relhumidity = random:uniform(50) + 10,
%% Send message to all subscribers
Msg = list_to_binary(
io_lib:format("~5..0b ~b ~b",
[Zipcode, Temperature, Relhumidity])),
ok = erlzmq:send(Publisher, Msg),