#! /usr/bin/env escript
%% Task ventilator
%% Binds PUSH socket to tcp://localhost:5557
%% Sends batch of tasks to workers via that socket
main(_) ->
{ok, Context} = erlzmq:context(),
%% Socket to send messages on
{ok, Sender} = erlzmq:socket(Context, push),
ok = erlzmq:bind(Sender, "tcp://*:5557"),
%% Socket to send start of batch message on
{ok, Sink} = erlzmq:socket(Context, push),
ok = erlzmq:connect(Sink, "tcp://localhost:5558"),
{ok, _} = io:fread("Press Enter when workers are ready: ", ""),
io:format("Sending task to workers~n",[]),
%% The first message is "0" and signals start of batch
ok = erlzmq:send(Sink, @<@@[[/span]][[span style="color:#BA2121"]]"0"[[/span]][[span style="color:#666666"]]@@>@),
%% Send 100 tasks
TotalCost = send_tasks(Sender, 100, 0),
io:format("Total expected cost: ~b msec~n", [TotalCost]),
ok = erlzmq:close(Sink),
ok = erlzmq:close(Sender),
%% Terminate with 1 second to send pending messages
erlzmq:term(Context, 1000).
send_tasks(_Sender, 0, TotalCost) -> TotalCost;
send_tasks(Sender, N, TotalCost) when N > 0 ->
Workload = random:uniform(100) + 1,
ok = erlzmq:send(Sender, list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Workload))),
send_tasks(Sender, N - 1, TotalCost + Workload).