ROUTER-to-DEALER in Erlang

#! /usr/bin/env escript
%% Custom routing Router to Dealer
%% While this example runs in a single process, that is just to make
%% it easier to start and stop the example. Each thread has its own
%% context and conceptually acts as a separate process.

%% We start multiple workers in this process - these would normally be on
%% different nodes…

worker_task(Id) ->
{ok, Context} = erlzmq:context(),
{ok, Worker} = erlzmq:socket(Context, dealer),
ok = erlzmq:setsockopt(Worker, identity, Id),
ok = erlzmq:connect(Worker, "ipc://routing.ipc"),

Count = count_messages(Worker, 0),
io:format("~s received: ~b~n", [Id, Count]),

ok = erlzmq:close(Worker),
ok = erlzmq:term(Context).

count_messages(Socket, Count) ->
case erlzmq:recv(Socket) of
{ok, @<@@[[/span]][[span style="color:#BA2121"]]"END"[[/span]][[span style="color:#666666"]]@@>@} -> Count;
{ok, _} -> count_messages(Socket, Count + 1)

main(_) ->
{ok, Context} = erlzmq:context(),
{ok, Client} = erlzmq:socket(Context, router),
ok = erlzmq:bind(Client, "ipc://routing.ipc"),

spawn(fun() -> worker_task(@<@@[[/span]][[span style="color:#BA2121"]]"A"[[/span]][[span style="color:#666666"]]@@>@) end),
spawn(fun() -> worker_task(@<@@[[/span]][[span style="color:#BA2121"]]"B"[[/span]][[span style="color:#666666"]]@@>@) end),

%% Wait for threads to connect, since otherwise the messages
%% we send won't be routable.

%% Send 10 tasks scattered to A twice as often as B
fun(Num) ->
%% Send two message parts, first the address
case Num rem 3 of
0 ->
ok = erlzmq:send(Client, @<@@[[/span]][[span style="color:#BA2121"]]"B"[[/span]][[span style="color:#666666"]]@@>@, [sndmore]);
_ ->
ok = erlzmq:send(Client, @<@@[[/span]][[span style="color:#BA2121"]]"A"[[/span]][[span style="color:#666666"]]@@>@, [sndmore])
%% And then the workload
ok = erlzmq:send(Client, @<@@[[/span]][[span style="color:#BA2121"]]"Workload"[[/span]][[span style="color:#666666"]]@@>@)
end, lists:seq(1, 10)),

ok = erlzmq:send(Client, @<@@[[/span]][[span style="color:#BA2121"]]"A"[[/span]][[span style="color:#666666"]]@@>@, [sndmore]),
ok = erlzmq:send(Client, @<@@[[/span]][[span style="color:#BA2121"]]"END"[[/span]][[span style="color:#666666"]]@@>@),

ok = erlzmq:send(Client, @<@@[[/span]][[span style="color:#BA2121"]]"B"[[/span]][[span style="color:#666666"]]@@>@, [sndmore]),
ok = erlzmq:send(Client, @<@@[[/span]][[span style="color:#BA2121"]]"END"[[/span]][[span style="color:#666666"]]@@>@),

%% Workers use separate context, so we can't rely on Context term
%% below to wait for them to finish. Manually wait instead.

ok = erlzmq:close(Client),
ok = erlzmq:term(Context).