Weather update proxy in C#

// Weather proxy device

// Author: Michael Compton, Tomas Roos
// Email: ku.oc.egdeelttil|notpmoc.leahcim#ku.oc.egdeelttil|notpmoc.leahcim, moc.liamg|soorsamotp#moc.liamg|soorsamotp

using System.Text;
using ZMQ;

namespace ZMQGuide
internal class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
using (var context = new Context(1))
using (Socket frontend = context.Socket(SocketType.SUB), backend = context.Socket(SocketType.PUB))
// This is where the weather server sits
frontend.Subscribe("", Encoding.Unicode);

// This is our public endpoint for subscribers
backend.Bind("tcp://*:8100"); // i use local to be able to run the example, this could be the public ip instead eg. tcp://

// Shunt messages out to our own subscribers
while (true)
bool hasMore = true;
while (hasMore)
string message = frontend.Recv(Encoding.Unicode);
hasMore = frontend.RcvMore;
backend.Send(message, Encoding.Unicode, hasMore ? SendRecvOpt.SNDMORE : SendRecvOpt.NONE);