Request-reply broker in C#

// Simple request-reply broker

// Author: Michael Compton, Tomas Roos
// Email: ku.oc.egdeelttil|notpmoc.leahcim#ku.oc.egdeelttil|notpmoc.leahcim, moc.liamg|soorsamotp#moc.liamg|soorsamotp

using System;
using System.Text;
using ZMQ;

namespace ZMQGuide
internal class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
using (var context = new Context(1))
using (Socket frontend = context.Socket(SocketType.ROUTER), backend = context.Socket(SocketType.DEALER))

var pollItems = new PollItem[2];
pollItems[0] = frontend.CreatePollItem(IOMultiPlex.POLLIN);
pollItems[0].PollInHandler += (socket, revents) => FrontendPollInHandler(socket, backend);
pollItems[1] = backend.CreatePollItem(IOMultiPlex.POLLIN);
pollItems[1].PollInHandler += (socket, revents) => BackendPollInHandler(socket, frontend);

while (true)
context.Poll(pollItems, -1);

private static void FrontendPollInHandler(Socket frontend, Socket backend)
RelayMessage(frontend, backend);

private static void BackendPollInHandler(Socket backend, Socket frontend)
RelayMessage(backend, frontend);

private static void RelayMessage(Socket source, Socket destination)
bool hasMore = true;
while (hasMore)
// side effect warning!
// note! that this uses Recv mode that gets a byte[], the router c# implementation
// doesnt work if you get a string message instead of the byte[] i would prefer the solution thats commented.
// but the router doesnt seem to be able to handle the response back to the client
//string message = source.Recv(Encoding.Unicode);
//hasMore = source.RcvMore;
//destination.Send(message, Encoding.Unicode, hasMore ? SendRecvOpt.SNDMORE : SendRecvOpt.NONE);

byte[] message = source.Recv();
hasMore = source.RcvMore;
destination.Send(message, hasMore ? SendRecvOpt.SNDMORE : SendRecvOpt.NONE);