Suicidal Snail in C++

// Suicidal Snail
// Andreas Hoelzlwimmer <ta.grebnegah-hf|remmiwlzleoh.saerdna#ta.grebnegah-hf|remmiwlzleoh.saerdna>
#include "zhelpers.hpp"

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is our subscriber
// It connects to the publisher and subscribes to everything. It
// sleeps for a short time between messages to simulate doing too
// much work. If a message is more than 1 second late, it croaks.

#define MAX_ALLOWED_DELAY 1000 // msecs

static void *
subscriber (void *args) {
zmq::context_t context(1);

// Subscribe to everything
zmq::socket_t subscriber(context, ZMQ_SUB);
subscriber.setsockopt (ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "", 0);

std::stringstream ss;
// Get and process messages
while (1) {
ss.str(s_recv (subscriber));
int64_t clock;
assert ((ss >> clock));

// Suicide snail logic
if (s_clock () - clock > MAX_ALLOWED_DELAY) {
std::cerr << "E: subscriber cannot keep up, aborting" << std::endl;
// Work for 1 msec plus some random additional time
return (NULL);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is our server task
// It publishes a time-stamped message to its pub socket every 1ms.

static void *
publisher (void *args) {
zmq::context_t context (1);

// Prepare publisher
zmq::socket_t publisher(context, ZMQ_PUB);

std::stringstream ss;

while (1) {
// Send current clock (msecs) to subscribers
ss << s_clock();
s_send (publisher, ss.str());

return 0;

// This main thread simply starts a client, and a server, and then
// waits for the client to croak.

int main (void)
pthread_t server_thread;
pthread_create (&server_thread, NULL, publisher, NULL);

pthread_t client_thread;
pthread_create (&client_thread, NULL, subscriber, NULL);
pthread_join (client_thread, NULL);

return 0;